
Wednesday 22 November 2017

Fire Station Visit

As part of our inquiry this term we have been learning about people who help out the community. On Tuesday LS2 went to the Mt Wellington fire station. We learnt how they help us and what they do as being a fire fighter. We learnt that fire fighters just don't go to fire problems they also go to flood situations, chemical hazards and they also help paramedics. When we got to the fire station one of the fire fighters told us about smoke alarms and what you should do if you don't have one. Next one of the fire fighters showed us all the equipment that were on the fire fighter trucks. I found out that they had a lot of hoses in their trucks. The interesting part was seeing the fire fighters taking apart a car. The tools they used to take apart the car was the spreader. I think the fire fighters are a really helpful emergency service for our community. 

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